The delegation headed by Minister of Justice of Turkey visited the Supreme Court

24.10.2014, 12:35
The delegation headed by Minister of Justice of Turkey visited the Supreme Court
The delegation headed by Minister of Justice of Turkey visited the Supreme Court

On November 2, 2011, on a visit to our country, the delegation headed by Minister of Justice of the Republic of Turkey Sadulla Ergin met with the Chairman of the Supreme Court Ramiz Rzayev.

At the meeting the Chairman of the Supreme Court noted that he was very glad to welcome a delegation headed by Minister of Justice of Turkey in Azerbaijan, and also noted existence of numerous examples related with solidarity and unified idea of uniting of the two nations, with similar traditions and values and with the same language. Chairman of the Supreme Court emphasized that the relations between the judicial and legal systems of Azerbaijan and fraternal Turkey entered in a new level, and they will thrive not only in bilateral relations but also in the framework of international organizations.

Chairman of the Supreme Court, brought to the attention of guests the benefit of the activities conducted in the republic, and said that this case is also reflected in the structure and activities of the Supreme Court. He told that the International legal acts, particularly the provision of the European Convention for the Protection of human rights and freedoms, a case law of the European Court of Human rights are studied and refer to in the Supreme Court.. The decided adjudications are coordinated with the European standards. The latest information technologies are used in the judicial system. 
After expressing his satisfaction with the development of business relations between the judicial and legal system of Azerbaijan and the owner of the rich legal tradition fraternal Turkey, Chairman of the Supreme Court emphasized that this visit will further develop relations in the judicial system of both countries.

While expressing his best wishes on the 20th anniversary of the restoration of state independence of Azerbaijan, Minister of Justice of the Republic of Turkey Sadulla Ergin pass greetings on behalf of his state regarding the joining of Azerbaijan in non-permanent members of UN Security Council. Describing the scope of work of the Ministry of Justice of Turkey, Minister of Justice said that the relationship between the two countries caring a great significance. Minister of Turkey said that this cooperation will be continued after. 

There was exchange of views on legal and judicial practices and on reforms conducted in the state system held on the meeting.

After getting acquainted with the administrative building of the Supreme Court, the guests from Turkey visited the museum of the history of the Court.

At the end of the meeting, the Chairman of the Supreme Court expressed its gratitude to the Turkish Minister of Justice, and members of his delegation for such a significant meeting, for the interest and attention to the judicial authorities, and wished them success in their further activity.