Great Leader was Commemorated in the Supremecourt

24.10.2014, 12:35
Great Leader was Commemorated in the Supremecourt
Great Leader was Commemorated in the Supremecourt

On December, 12 Supreme Court of the Azerbaijan Republic commemorated our national leader Heydar Aliyev. 
At this event, Chairman of the Supreme Court Mr. Ramiz Rzayev noted that the genius of the great leader Heydar Aliyev is acknowledged by all, and the glorious life of our national leader, who said the final word in politics, as well as in issues which decided the fate of our state,was associated with the fate of our nation and he was the architect of independent Azerbaijan. 
In November 1995, under the leadership of Heydar Aliyev Constitution of independent Azerbaijan Republic was prepared and adopted by popular referendum. It was the most important step toward constitutional legal system of government. Also, it served as the basis for creating the basic principles of human rights and freedoms. 
National leader implemented powerful reforms directed at increasing the role of the judiciary in safeguarding the rights and freedoms. Three-staged judiciary system was established in the country, and brand-new methods used in the formation of the judges. Fair and transparent election of the judges gave a stimulus to qualitative implementation of judicial reforms. 
Noting that the idea of national leader Heydar Aliyev, live in thoughts and in the daily activities of the people, the President of the Supreme Court also said that a deserving successor of the political course of our great leader, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who with true faith leading our nation to the peak of progress successfully implement these ideas. 
Speakers at the event spoke about their memories the founder of our independent country Heydar Aliyev, told about his incomparable work in legal, democratic area, also in the area of building of the secular state in Azerbaijan, and noted that his heritage would live forever.