Quests from Indonesia visited the Supreme Court

24.10.2014, 12:35
Quests from Indonesia visited the Supreme Court
Quests from Indonesia visited the Supreme Court

On October, 20 of 2011, the President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Muhammad Mahfud and Judge Maria Farida Indrati, who were in the country for a visit, met with the Chairman of the Supreme Court Ramiz Rzayev.

At the meeting the Chairman of the Supreme Court announced the addition of special attention to cooperation with many countries in the judicial-legal sphere, including Indonesia, which is among those countries. Chairman of the Supreme Court also spoke about the actions conducted in the republic last years in the direction of improvement and modernization of the judicial-legal system, and the duties assigned to the Supreme Court to establish the rule of law and delivering justice. Chairman of the Supreme Court emphasized that under the Constitution ensuring civil and human rights, is the ultimate goal of the state. The guests were informed about the judicial system of Azerbaijan and the structure and activities of the Supreme Court.

Chairman of the Supreme Court noted his assurance that the visit of President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia to Azerbaijan will contribute to the development of cooperation between judicial authorities of these countries.

During the meeting the prospects of legal co-operation between judicial authorities of Azerbaijan and Indonesia, aspects of implementation of the international legal norms and case law of the international courts in the administration of justice were discussed.

Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia Muhammad Mahfud noted certain similarity in the judicial system of Azerbaijan and Indonesia. Muhammad Manfud brought to the attention the importance of mutual cooperation between the two countries and the need to exchange experiences in the field of judicial law.

After getting accounted with the administrative building of the Supreme Court, and visiting the historical museum, visitors from Indonesia met with the working conditions of judges.