In Shirvan Court of Appeals held a meeting devoted to the results of 2017

01.04.2016, 12:35
In Shirvan Court of Appeals held a meeting devoted to the results of 2017
In Shirvan Court of Appeals held a meeting devoted to the results of 2017

On February 23, 2018, the Shirvan Court of Appeal held a reporting meeting devoted to the results of 2017.

The meeting held on with participation of the judges of the Shirvan Court of Appeal, the chairmen and judges of the courts of first instance, the chairman of the Criminal Board of the Supreme Court Mr. Shahin Yusifov, judges of the Civil and Administrative-Economic Board’s Mr. Ahmad Nurmammadov and Mr. Kamaladdin Badalov, and deputy chief of the Organizational-Supervision department of the Ministry of Justice Mr. Afgan Alekberov.

The Chairman of the Shirvan Court of Appeal Mr. Rashadat Aghayev opening the event and informed about the activity of the court in the past year and noted that the during the 2017 total amount of cases accepted for consideration by the court is 5542, including 3677 cases by the civil board, 676 cases by the administrative-economic board (585 administrative, 91 economics), 1130 cases by the criminal board, and 59 cases by the military board, and in comparative analysis it’s on 17,2% (957 cases) more than in results of 2016.

The chairman of the court also noted that the during the reporting period the 19 persons were acquittal in respect of 20 judgments of first instance courts, and 4 persons were partly acquittal.

In 2017, the Shirvan Court of Appeal received  824 appeals (complaints, petitions and suggestions), 782 (94,9%) of them complaints, 42 (5,9%) of them petitions and this amount less on 5.9% than in 2016. 

In the reporting year, the court website has improved the system for access to information by citizens, but the number of online applications filed to the court in 2017 has dropped significantly compared to 2016.

At the meeting were listened the reports of the interim chairman of the criminal board judge Mr. Alasgar Novruzov, interim chairman of the millitary board judge Mr. Kamran Akbarov, interim chairman of the civil board judge Mr. Zeki Babayev, interim of the administrative-economic board judge Mr. Zeynal Zeynalov, as well as the speech’s of the head of staff Shirvan Court of Appeal Mr. Ramil Isayev, the chief accountant Mr. Huseyn Habibov, and the leading adviser Mr.Vugar Gasimov. 

The Chairman of the Criminal Board of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Shahin Yusifov made a speech and informed the participants of the event about the criminal cases under the cassation procedure, to prevent negative situations during the delivered justice, to adopt legitimate and objective decisions, and advised to the judges to take necessary measures to increase people's trust to the courts. 

The judge of the civil board of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ahmed Nurmammadov and the judge of the administrative-economic board Mr. Kamaladdin Badalov told about the reviewing civil and administrative-economic cases in cassation instance, violation of the requirements by the first instance courts of the "Guidelines on the clerical work in the courts of the Republic of Azerbaijan", non-participation of the parties in the court proceedings, the identification of contradictions between the court decisions and the case records, the lack of legal assessment on individual cases and the other shortcomings revealed during the cassation procedure, and expressed their views on establishment of the common judicial practice.

In his speech deputy chief of Organizational-supervision department of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr.Afgan Alekberov has bringing the attention of the participants of the meeting to the consideration of the petitions, complaints and suggestions within the terms stipulated by the legislation, the elimination of negative incidents caused by dissatisfaction of the citizens, and to take the necessary measures for their solution. He has noted the work undertaken by the Ministry of Justice in regard the investigation of the complaints filed by the citizens in connection with the courts, and advised to the judges be more sensitive in this field.

At the end of the event, Chairman of the Shirvan Court of Appeal Mr. Rashadat Agayev outlined the tasks facing the courts in the current year and emphasized the importance of complying with the requirements of the legislation to eliminate the shortcomings in the consideration of the cases and the adoption of justified and objective decisions and taking all necessary measures to increase the efficiency of justice. The Presidium of the Shirvan Court of Appeal have been delivered relevant decisions on the issues discussed.