Delegation Headed by the Vice-Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Uong Chu Lu Met with the President of the Supreme Court Ramiz Rzayev.

17.02.2012, 12:35
Delegation Headed by the Vice-Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Uong Chu Lu Met with the President of the Supreme Court Ramiz Rzayev.
Delegation Headed by the Vice-Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Uong Chu Lu Met with the President of the Supreme Court Ramiz Rzayev.

While visiting our country the delegation headed by the vise-chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Uong Chu Lu met with the President of the Supreme Court Ramiz Rzayev on June 28, 2013.

During the meeting, the President of the Supreme Court was pleased to welcome delegation headed by the vice-chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Uong Chu Lu in Azerbaijan. He noted that relations between Azerbaijan and Vietnam entered a new phase and this relations would develop successfully.

The President of the Supreme Court noted the effectiveness of the measures in the court sphere that implemented in our country and informed the guests about the reflection of that measures in the structure and activity of the Supreme Court. He said that the international legal acts especially provisions of the European Convention on "Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms", the European Court of Human Rights case law are applied in the Supreme Court. The new information technologies are used in the court system. The Europian standarts was adopted in the proceeding of judges’ election.

The vice-chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Uong Chu Lu had a special interest to the legislation base that meets the current requirements. The parties agreed to establish a cooperation for becoming more familiar with the existing legislation and legal system of Azerbaijan. The guest said that cooperation between the two countries had a great importance and this cooperation would continue in the future.

During the meeting, judicial reforms in the field of rule of law and the judicial practice were discussed.

Vietnamese guests got acquainted with the administrative building of the Supreme Court and visited the Court Historical Museum.

At the end of the meeting, the President of the Supreme Court thanked the members of the Vietnamese delegation for showing special interest and attention to the judicial authorities, as well as for an important meeting, and wished them success in their future endeavours.