Cooperation of the European Court with judicial bodies of Azerbaijan was highly appreciated

24.10.2014, 12:35
Cooperation of the European Court with judicial bodies of Azerbaijan was highly appreciated
Cooperation of the European Court with judicial bodies of Azerbaijan was highly appreciated

The delegation headed by the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Azerbaijan Republic  Mr. Farkhad Abdullayev and the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Azerbaijan Republic Mr. Ramiz Rzayev made a business trip to Strasbourg on January 28-30, 2010. 

Press services of these two organizations gave information that the delegation had met with the Chairman of the European Court of Human rights Mr. Jean-Paul Costa during the visit. Welcoming visitors, Mr. Jean-Paul Costa highly appreciated cooperation of the European Court with judicial bodies of Azerbaijan. He spoke about the improvement of the procedure of consideration of the complaints which were received to the European Court and connected with the coming into effect the Protocol No.14, which meant changing in the supervision mechanism over the European Convention, and gave an information about the simplification of the mechanism of consideration of complaints, and said that in most cases the activity of the organization depended on effective work of judicial bodies.

Chairman of the Constitutional Court Mr. Farkhad Abdullayev noted that the superior judicial bodies of Azerbaijan gave special attention to the jurisdiction of the European Court and referred to the judgments of the Strasbourg Court during a justification of their legal positions. The Chairman of the Supreme Court Mr. Ramiz Rzayev spoke about the reformations in legal sphere during the last years in our republic, and said that the Supreme Court also gave particular attention to jurisdiction of the European Court and put it into practice. The Judge of the European Court Mr. Khanlar Gadjiyev also took part in the meeting.

Later, a ceremonial meeting devoted to opening of judicial year 2010 of the European Court was spent with the participation of Chairmen and Judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts of the European countries. The Chairman and Judges of the European Court noted at the meeting that the European Convention was of great importance for all judicial bodies and the general European jurisdiction was already forming. 

Mr. Farkhad Abdullayev and Mr. Ramiz Rzayev met with heads of the foreign organizations who also took part in the meeting, and discussed the issues, concerning the joint cooperation.