A Meeting Dedicated to the 87-th Anniversary of the Great Leader Took Place in the Supreme Court of the Azerbaijan Republic

25.10.2014, 12:35
A Meeting Dedicated to the 87-th Anniversary of the Great Leader Took Place in the Supreme Court of the Azerbaijan Republic
A Meeting Dedicated to the 87-th Anniversary of the Great Leader Took Place in the Supreme Court of the Azerbaijan Republic

A meeting dedicated to the 87-th anniversary of our national leader Mr. Heydar Aliyev took place in the Supreme Court. 

During the meeting, Chairman of the Supreme Court Mr. Ramiz Rzayev noted that the genius of the great person – Mr. Heydar Aliyev is generally accepted. He also noted that the honourable life of the great leader who brought a resolute word in the solution of fatal issues of our state in the large political world was connected with our people, and that he was the architect of the independent Azerbaijan. 

In November 1995 under the direction of our great leader Mr. Heydar Aliyev the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic was prepared and accepted on a public referendum. The Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic became the biggest step on the way of establishment of the lawful state. It also formed the fundamental basis for establishment of fundamental principles of the rights and freedoms of the person. 

Our national leader carried out a serious reorganization on the way of increase of a role of the judicial authority to warranting of protection of the rights and freedoms of the person and the citizen. A three-stage judicial system was created in the country, and new ways and methods were completely used in the formation of the judges’ corps. Fair and transparent election of judges gave a stimulus to the qualitative conducting of legal reorganization. Out national leader Mr. Heydar Aliyev founded and developed a jural, democratic and secular state system in Azerbaijan. 

Chairman of the Supreme Court noted that the ideas of our national leader Mr. Heydar Aliyev lived in minds and daily activities of his people, and underlined that his ideas took our people to the prosperity top, and the continuer of political policy of our ingenious leader President Ilham Aliyev successfully realised it.

Those who spoke on the meeting, shared their memories on the founder of our independent state Mr. Heydar Aliyev, and noted that his words: “Two cases can shake the State: if guilty remains unpunished, and innocent will be punished”, always would be the motto of their activity.