Sheki Court of Appeal held a consultation on the analysis of measures taken regarding the enforcement of justice judgement in 2019

24.10.2014, 12:35
Sheki Court of Appeal held a consultation on the analysis of measures taken regarding the enforcement of justice judgement in 2019
Sheki Court of Appeal held a consultation on the analysis of measures taken regarding the enforcement of justice judgement in 2019

On February 21, 2020, Sheki Court of Appeals held a consultation on the analysis of measures taken regarding the enforcement of justice judgement in Sheki Court Complex in 2019. The meeting was attended by Shahin Yusifov, the Chairman of Collegium on Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ahmed Nurmammadov, the judge of Collegium on Civil cases, Ilgar Dadashov, the judge of Collegium on Commercial cases, Anar Jafarov, Head of Service Investigation Department of the Head Office for Organizational Control of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan and chairmen and judges of the Sheki Court of Appeal and the first instance courts within territorial jurisdiction of the relevant court.

Welcome speech was done by Mubariz Akbarov, the Chairman of the Sheki Court of Appeal at the event. He  spoke about reforms in the country to improve the efficiency of justice judgement, ensure transparency and facilitate citizens` access to the courts. He  emphasized the special importance of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated April 3, 2019 "On Deepening Reforms in the Judicial-Legal System" as an integral part of the reforms. He then shared with the participants the general information on measures taken regarding the enforcement of justice judgement by the Sheki Court of Appeal in 2019 and conducted a comparative analysis of statistical data on the dynamics of the cases brought to the court last year and the results of their consideration. At the same time it was noted that in the past year two requests were submitted to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the interpretation of some provisions of sectoral legislation. Also, according to CEPEJ ( European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice) tools, statistical reports on the activities of the the Sheki Court of Appeal (quarterly, six-month, nine-month and annual report) had been prepared and posted in the "News" section of the court website to evaluate the effectiveness of the court activities.

Aladdin Majidov, the Chairman of Collegium on Civil Cases of the Sheki Court of Appeal, Akif Eyvazov, the Chairman of Collegium on Criminal Cases, Mubariz Huseynov, the Chairman of Collegium on Cases on Administrative Infringements who were present at the meeting gave information the participants about the comparative statistics of the case and materials filed by collegium proceedings in 2019, noted the differences of opinion found in court practice during the proceedings, as well as violations of the material and procedural law by the judges of the first instance courts.

Shahin Yusifov, the Chairman of Collegium on Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan who was present at the meeting gave information statistical indicators of consideration of decisions of the Sheki Court of Appeal in the cassation procedure on criminal proceedings. At the same time, he stressed the importance of the tasks arising form the Decree of the President dated April 03, 2019, and recommended that judges establish their activities to create a single court practice practice in all matters and gave information on measures taken in the Supreme Court in this regard. At the same time, the chairman of the Collegium brought to the attention of the participants about characteristic violations found in court practice during consideration of cases on merits and application of procedural enforcement measures on accused persons and  stressed the importance of taking appropriate measures to prevent such violations. Moreover, he stated that courts had to always adhere to all its principles and conditions during criminal proceedings, ensure that a full, comprehensive and impartial investigation of cases was carried out to establish the truth, and that judgments and other final judgments should be justified.

At the event, Ahmed Nurmammadov and Ilgar Dadashov, the judges of the Supreme Court spoke about on specific violations found in cases on civil, administrative and economic disputes, considered in the cassation procedure, brought to the attention of the judges of the formed single court practice in some cases and  recommended a thorough and comprehensive investigation of the circumstances of the case, and adherence honestly to the norms of material and procedural law.

Anar Jafarov, Head of Service Investigation Department of the Head Office for Organizational Control of the Ministry of Justice having a speech at the event informed about the appeals  addressed to the Ministry in 2019 regarding the enforcement of justice judgement, and said that among them there were appeals on negative cases in the courts. At the same time, he  emphasized the special importance of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated April 3, 2019 "On Deepening Reforms in the Judicial-Legal System" and stressed the importance of implementation of tasks arising from that decree.

 The event then continued with useful exchange of views on the legal issues of mutual interest by the judges.