A new form of judicial power is the product of national independence

24.10.2014, 12:35
A new form of judicial power is the product of national independence
A new form of judicial power is the product of national independence

4th October at the Supreme Court held an event dedicated to 20th anniversary of the restoration of state independence of Azerbaijan.

Opening the event, Chairman of the Supreme Court Ramiz Rzayev, turning to the history of independence, spoke about the successes achieved over the past 20 years.

It was noted that one of the most important gifts, presented by the history to the Azerbaijani people in the twentieth century, were the proclamation of October 18, 1991 the independence of our republic and returning the great leader Heydar Aliyev once again the leadership of our country on June 15, 1993. As these two important crucial events for Azerbaijani people complement each other and form a coherent whole.

Over the past 20 years of independence Azerbaijan passed a very long development path, achieved great success. However, the path that leads our country to this independence, freedom, was not smooth on this way shed blood of martyrs. In particular, on the first years of independence, our nation has faced several challenges. Returning in June 1993, of the world famous statesman Heydar Aliyev to power again, when the fate of Azeri state hanged in the balance, saved our country from dismemberment and loss of independence.

Because of the extraordinary thinking of our national leader, first of all, the society had been isolated from bandit formations, who stabbed in the back of statehood and independence of Azerbaijan, have been implemented important measures related to reform of the armed forces, the revival of the economy. Had been started the implementation of the sustainable democratic reforms in order to bring all areas of public administration in line with world standards, protection of human rights and freedoms.

After creating a legal framework for the implementation of a modern state-building to strengthen Azerbaijans independence is irreversible. At that time, judicial and legal reform was a primary condition, and a result of the reforms implemented as part of a radical transformation of political and economic systems of the country and in fact it bears the evolutionary nature. As a logical result of the implementation of constitutional provisions during the short time in the country was laid a solid foundation of a democratic legal state, radical changes were carried out in the legal system. New laws corresponding to modern requirements were adopted, which were highly praised by the international organizations and experts and would serve for more reliable  promotion of human rights, including the laws "On Constitutional Court", "On Courts and Judges", "On the Prosecutors Office," "On the Police" Civil, Civil Procedure, Criminal, Criminal, Tax, Customs Code, etc.

The law "On Courts and Judges" through measures to ensure the integrity, indispensable, personal security of judges, the depoliticization of judges, selection and appointment of bankruptcy by, material and social security, also constitute the basic principles of judicial independence inherent in the rule of law.

In order to ensure the rule of law, enhance protection of human rights and freedoms under the administration of justice, in September 2000 in Azerbaijan was established and launched a three-stage new judicial system.

The rapid development of society in recent years and the closer integration of our country in international structures, entry into the European legal space made it necessary to improve judicial activities in Azerbaijan and led to the continuation of judicial reforms. For this reason, work on improving the judicial system was in the focus of constant attention, regularly continued judicial and legal reform, which reached a new stage. By the initiative of President Ilham Aliyev qualitatively new developments in the administration of justice took place, from December 2004 the second stage of the judicial reforms has started. 

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, who is the guarantor of the independence of the judiciary, on strengthening of material and technical provision of the courts, in the center of Baku city was built and commissioned a new magnificent administrative building, corresponding to the high status of the Supreme Court of Azerbaijan Republic. Today, in some regions of our country building of the new administrative courts still going on.

The Supreme Court as an integral part of the European system on protection of human rights plays a major role in the application of human rights standards.

Taking into account the European Court decisions the Supreme Court in decisions making applies the rules of the European Convention, for preventing the violation of the provisions of the Convention.
R. Rzayev said, that the legal reform implemented in our country - is a sequential process. We can confidently say that the reforms undertaken in the framework of the Concept of Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyevs on modernization of the legal system will raise the justice to a qualitatively new level and ensure sustainable development of the legal system.
Then, there were the speech on the report. Speakers underlined that, because of the special attention of the Head of State, Supreme Commander Ilham Aliyev to this area, progress has been made.