Meeting with Chief of the International and European Issues Service of the Ministry of Justice and Freedoms of France Mr. Eric Metrpyer

01.01.2012, 12:35
Meeting with Chief of the International and European Issues Service of the Ministry of Justice and Freedoms of France Mr. Eric Metrpyer
Meeting with Chief of the International and European Issues Service of the Ministry of Justice and Freedoms of France Mr. Eric Metrpyer

On May, 18 2011 Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ramiz Rzayev met with Chief of the International and European Issues Service of Ministry of Justice and Freedoms of France Mr. Eric Metrpyer in the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
During the meeting, Chairman of the Supreme Court informed the guest about judicial system of Azerbaijan, about structure and activity of the Supreme Court, and also noted that Azerbaijan as a member of the European family attached a special significance to cooperation with member states of the Council of Europe. Chairman of the Supreme Court noted that the International legal acts, particularly the provision of the European Convention “for the Protection of human rights and freedoms”, a case law of the European Court of Human rights were studied carefully and referred to in the Supreme Court. Newest information technologies are used in the judicial system.
Chairman of the Supreme Court expressed his contentment with the establishment of cooperation relations in judicial-legal sphere between Azerbaijan and France with its rich legal traditions, and also noted that the meeting would serve for the further strengthening and development of cooperation relations between two countries in judicial system and system of Justice.
Chief of the International and European Issues Service of Ministry of Justice and Freedoms of France noted that the cooperation between two countries had a huge value and it would be continued in future.
Visitor from France familiarized with an administrative building of the Supreme Court, with a historical museum of Court and working conditions of judges.

At the end of the meeting, Chairman of the Supreme Court Mr. Ramiz Rzayev expressed his gratitude to Chief of the International and European Issues Service of Ministry of Justice and Freedoms of France Mr. Eric Metrpyer for an important meeting as well as for interest and attention to judicial bodies, and wished success in his further work.