The Foundation of the International Legal Cooperation expands relations with Azerbaijan

28.08.2008, 12:35
The Foundation of the International Legal Cooperation expands relations with Azerbaijan
The Foundation of the International Legal Cooperation expands relations with Azerbaijan

On January, 31 2011 Chairman of the Criminal Board of the Supreme Court Mr. Shahin Yusifov met with Mrs. Britta Schwartz, head of the Program of the Foundation of the International Legal Cooperation and with Mr. Falk Bomsdorf, recently appointed adviser of the legal project. 
     Chairman of the Criminal Board noted on the meeting in the Supreme Court that holding various seminars and making arrangements in the sphere of criminal and criminal procedure legislation, and exchange of experience with Germany in the same sphere had a special value.  
     Concrete priorities of the cooperation were also revealed on the meeting. 
     The head of the Program of Foundation of the International Legal Cooperation Mrs. Britta Schwarz noted that cooperation with Azerbaijan in judicial-legal sphere were attached an importance and it would benefit both parties. 
     In the end of the meeting Chairman of the Board of the Supreme Court thanked the head of the program of Foundation of the International Legal Cooperation and recently appointed adviser for the legal project for an important meeting and a particular interest and attention to judicial bodies of Azerbaijan, and wished them good luck in their further activity.