Chairmen of district election commissions were provided with detailed information on the judicial protection and on the rules of resolution of disputes in court concerning the right to vote in the Supreme Court

06.06.2013, 12:35
Chairmen of district election commissions were provided with detailed information on the judicial protection and on the rules of resolution of disputes in court concerning the right to vote in the Supreme Court
Chairmen of district election commissions were provided with detailed information on the judicial protection and on the rules of resolution of disputes in court concerning the right to vote in the Supreme Court

Chairmen of district election commissions were provided with detailed information on the judicial protection and on the rules of resolution of disputes in court concerning the right to vote in the Supreme Court.
On September 7, 2011 a meeting with the listeners of the specialized courses on electoral law organized by the Central Election Commission for the chairmen of district election commissions was held in the Supreme Court.
Chairman of the Supreme Court Mr. Ramiz Rzayev made a speech on Judicial protection of electoral rights. Relationship of disputes to the courts and the rules of its solution.
Mr. Rzayev said that the experience of states which passed a long way of development in the field of democracy shows that a stable civil society, progressive development of the independent state goes through the democratic elections. Free use of voting rights by people, holding transparent and fair elections are always in the center of the attention in Azerbaijan, which chose the democratic, legal, secular state system as the way of its development.
Our first national Constitution, which was prepared under the guidance of our national leader Mr. Heydar Aliyev in 1995, was the first major step in the legal political system in our country. Constitution adopted by the referendum laid a solid foundation for the establishment of democratic and legal state in Azerbaijan.
Chairman of the Supreme Court noted that an improved legislative base which serves for holding free and fair elections in Azerbaijan society was created in Azerbaijan. Actions carried out by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev in order to improve the Electoral Code and electoral practices serve for guarantee of human rights and freedoms. 
Additions and amendments to the Electoral Code served for the improvement of the document and also ensured holding of free, democratic, fair and transparent Presidential elections in 2008, Municipal elections in 2009, Parliamentary elections in 2010.
Basing on the final assessment of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe we can say that the current Electoral Code of Azerbaijan provides the ability to conduct elections according to the international standards. We can confidently say that the upcoming municipal elections will be held as well as the previous ones.
The meeting was also addressed by the Chairman of the Civil Board of the Supreme Court Mrs. Shalala Mammadova, judges of the Supreme Court Mr. Asad Mirzaliyev, Mrs. Nigar Rasulbekova, Mr. Azer Huseynov, Mrs. Saadat Bektashi and Mr. Shakhmurad Qidayev.
Speakers said that it was very important to pay a particular attention to the candidate s registration in the district election commissions, confirmation on the refusal of registration, consideration of complaints related to elections, preparation of group of experts and choosing of representatives during the elections.
At the end of the meeting Chairman of the Supreme Court Mr. Ramiz Rzayev gave the answers to the questions of Chairmen of the DEC.