Representatives of non-Government organization visited Supreme court

05.05.2010, 12:35
Representatives of non-Government organization visited Supreme court
Representatives of non-Government organization visited Supreme court

On the March, 15 there was held a meeting in Supreme Court between the delegation from the, Amnesty International non-government organization, consisting of deputy director John Dalhuisen, researcher Natalya Nozadze and member Mark Tucker, who were on a visit to Baku and Chairman of Criminal Board of Supreme Court Shahin Yusifov. On a meeting Chairman of Criminal Board of Supreme Court gave the information about Azerbaijan Judicial System, structure and activity of Supreme Court, in addition he had brought to their attention the situation with Human Rights in particularly situation related to freedom of expressions and assembly. Mr. Chairman noted that   the international legal acts, “European Convention’s regulations on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms” and the European Convention’s precedent right of European Court are being studied in Azerbaijan. Judgments are made according to European standards. Judgments of European Court on Human Rights concerning Azerbaijan are being examined and executed. Chairman of Criminal Board talked about co-operation area between Azerbaijan and Amnesty International, and he had underlined existing capabilities for improvement of Judicial-Legal system. Change of views took a place on the meeting on questions of mutual interests.  At the end of the meeting Chairman of Board expressed his gratitude to the members of representative group of Amnesty International non-government organization for showing particular emphasis to Azerbaijan Judicials System, also for this important meeting and wished new success and achievements in further activity.  Head of the stuff of Supreme Court Alirza Karimov, head of the Division of the International Relationships Gunay Rzayeva and press-secretary Allahverdi Mamedli participated at the meeting.