The international conference dedicated to administrative law took place in Baku

09.09.2012, 12:35
The international conference dedicated to administrative law took place in Baku
The international conference dedicated to administrative law took place in Baku

On June 8, 2011 there was held an international conference with organizational assistance of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan and German Society of International Cooperation on a topic: “Citizen and State - How is Administrative Law Justified in Eastern European Societies?”

80 representatives from Azerbaijan, Germany, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Ukraine, representative of the local and foreign non-government organizations, OSCE and Council of Europe who participated in the International Conference took part in its activity.  

Addressed a speech on the opening of the Conference, Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ramiz Rzayev, Minister of Justice, Chairman of Judicial and Law Council Fikrat Mammadov, manager of the project “Support for South Caucasus on Judicial and Legal Reforms” from German Society of International Cooperation Zeno Reyxenbexer, representative of OSCE office in Baku Natasha Rasidj welcomed the participants of the forum and wished all the best in activity of the Conference. 

Short-length movies which were telling about the activity of the Supreme Administrative Court of Baden-Württemberg and the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan were displayed on the Conference. 

Then the Declaration for Judicial Partnership between the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Supreme Administrative Court of Baden-Württemberg was signed. 

On the first session Chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court of Baden-Württemberg Folken Ellenberger delivered the report about opinions on consultations implemented with foundation of administrative law in Azerbaijan and shared his opinions with the participants of the Conference.

 On the second session which was dedicated to comparative look on the activity of the Administrative Courts Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia Konstantin Kublashvili, Chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine Aleksander Pasenyuk delivered the report and carried out analyses.

On the third session the reports about different positions associated with the Administrative Courts and Administrative bodies in Azerbaijan Republic were heard. 

Then discussions on reports, exchange of views took place, the answers on questions of participants were given. 

At the end Chairman of the Supreme Court Ramiz Rzayev underlined importance of international events which were conducted in our country in the area of administrative law.