Co-chairs of PACE Monitoring Committee are satisfied with the introduction of European continental judicial system in Azerbaijan

27.02.2012, 12:35
Co-chairs of PACE Monitoring Committee are satisfied with the introduction of European continental judicial system in Azerbaijan
Co-chairs of PACE Monitoring Committee are satisfied with the introduction of European continental judicial system in Azerbaijan

January 31, 2012 our country visited an official  delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on implementation of commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe.

The members of delegation, Mr. Joseph DebonoGrech, Mr. Pedro Agramunt Fond de Mora and Secretary of the Monitoring Committee Mrs. AgnieskaNacilio has met Mrs. Shalala Mammadova, the chairman of the board of civil cases, temporarily acting as a chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Co-rapporteurs of Azerbaijan reported on developments in the justice system of Azerbaijan and its effectiveness in the performance of the requirements PACE, also was reported that Azerbaijan is successfully used the judicial system
continental Europe and as wellit was reportedthat Azerbaijanis successfully usedthe continental European court systemandAzerbaijanijudicial systemin thesolidintegrationinto the Europeanjudicial system.

 In this perspective, the Supreme Court held the regular seminars and workshops about international legal instruments, in particularly for the protection of human rights and freedoms to the requirementsof the EuropeanConvention.

The delegation was informed of the widespread development of the information technology and implementation of large prevention activities as well as the national plan of action for
protections of human rights in the Republic of Azerbaijan, and was also submitted a number of other concrete measures for an immediate implementation decisions PACE.

Representatives of the monitoring Commission expressed satisfaction significant changes in judicial-legal sphere of our country especially in the area of protection of human rights and freedoms, welcomed  further development of the democratic processes and stressed  its readiness to give full legal assistance in this area.

At the meeting, questions were also raised about registration non-governmental organizations, political prisoners, as well as Exchange of views on alternative military service. 

Mrs. S. Mamedova thoroughly answered all questions raised by the representatives of the Monitoring Committee.

In conclusion Mrs. Shalala Mamedova expressed her gratitude to the members of the delegation for the fruitful exchange of views on all issues of discussions.