Military Chamber of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan held a meeting with US officials and discussed international efforts in combating human trafficking.

05.08.2008, 12:35
Military Chamber of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan held a meeting with US officials and discussed international efforts in combating human trafficking.
Military Chamber of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan held a meeting with US officials and discussed international efforts in combating human trafficking.

On 19th of September 2019, the Chairman of Military Chamber of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Aziz Seyidov met a member of  US Department of States Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking, Mr. Atsuki Takahashi, political affairs officer of the US Embassy, Mr. William Solley and political affairs assistant of the US Embassy, Ms. Nigar Huseynova 

The meeting started with outlining Azerbaijan’s background history on ongoing efforts in combating human trafficking in the region and the legal framework behind it for the guests and followed with discussions on possibility for further expansion of international cooperation between United States and Azerbaijan. 

Azerbaijan became a signatory of United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) and three supplementary protocols of UNTOC since 12th of December 2000.

US Officials were comphersevely briefed on the process of integration of UNTOC and its supplementary protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons (especially Women and Children) in Azerbaijan since 2003 and implementation of National Action Plan to combat human trafficking in the region. 

In the executive branch of the government, an inter-agency taskforce was established on 6th of May 2004 by Presidential decree to fulfil the agenda of National Action Plan. The deputy minister of Internal Affairs of Republic of Azerbaijan was appointed as the head of inter-agency taskforce and Office for Combating Human Trafficking has been established under the umbrella of Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The guests were also informed on the legal changes that occurred in the efforts to fulfil the National Action Plan to combat human trafficking. Following the creation of the taskforce, on 28th of June 2005 the law "On Combating Human Trafficking" was adopted. Human trafficking became a serious offence in Azerbaijan governed by section 144(1) of Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. 

Following the briefing, Aziz Seyidov noted the necessity and importance of maintaining and expanding the international cooperation of Azerbaijan with relevant international agencies like UN, OSCE, Interpol, International Organization for Migration and countries like United States in an effort to combat human trafficking.

Mr. Takahashi and Mr. Solley also noted that United States treats human trafficking and other human trafficking related crimes as grave offences and encourages combatting of human trafficking universally. Mr. Takahashi and Mr. Solley expressed their gratitude to all security services and State Prosecution service of Azerbaijan for their effective work in combating human trafficking and assured that United States will continue providing the relevant training and resources in order to improve the work of Azerbaijani security services who are in the forefront of fighting human trafficking in the region.

Aziz Seyidov expressed his confidence in continuation of further cooperation between United States and Azerbaijan in strengthening the fight against human trafficking. The guests thanked Aziz Seyidov for reception and informative meeting.