Chairman of the Supreme Court has a speech on the courses conducted for the chairmen of District Electoral Commissions

25.10.2014, 12:35
Chairman of the Supreme Court has a speech on the courses conducted for the chairmen of District Electoral Commissions
Chairman of the Supreme Court has a speech on the courses conducted for the chairmen of District Electoral Commissions

The Central Election Commission in connection with the execution of the order of President Ilham Aliyev "On approval of the National Plan of Action for the Protection of Human Rights in Azerbaijan" has continued specialized courses on electoral law for the chairmen of district election commissions.
Azertaj reported that in speech of the chairman of the Supreme Court Mr. Ramiz Rzayev with activity under the slogan "Courts Protection for Election Law" touched upon the legal issues the upcoming parliamentary elections.
He said that the elections in each country, as well as an important event in the political life of the citizens, one of the forms mass participation in the management of public life. Democratic elections, release, social and political stability in the country, primarily depends of the creation normal conditions for elections. With the highest democracy environment, we shall reach fair and transparent elections. In this regard, an important measure taken in our country. Currently, President Ilham Aliyev, "Ratificate of the National Plan of Action for the Protection of Human Rights in Azerbaijan Republic ". Order of actions taken in connection with the execution of this title. 
Mr. Rzayev stressed that the holding of democratic elections in Azerbaijan are the basis for the nation. The Government of Azerbaijan carries out the necessary measures to implement the election set forth by the law. For election we are using the advanced world standards, and the number of additions and amendments was made to the Electoral Code. It was noted that the CEC, or any voter may apply to court for breach of the law. 
Deputy Chairman of the CEC Şaitdin Aliyev, Supreme Court judge Asad Mirzəliyev and others also has speeches on the courses.