Judge of the Supreme Court of Azerbaijan Republic Ali Seyfaliyev took part in Human Dimension Implementation Meeting of OSCE held in Poland

25.10.2014, 12:35
Judge of the Supreme Court of Azerbaijan Republic Ali Seyfaliyev took part in Human Dimension Implementation Meeting of OSCE held in Poland
Judge of the Supreme Court of Azerbaijan Republic Ali Seyfaliyev took part in Human Dimension Implementation Meeting of OSCE held in Poland
Judge of the Supreme Court of Azerbaijan Republic Ali Seyfaliyev took part in Human Dimension Implementation Meeting of OSCE held in Poland, in Warsaw on 28-30 September 2009.
Meetings on Human Dimension Implementation are held by member-states of OSCE, for discussion of carrying out their duties in sphere of human dimension.
During the meeting such important questions as society democratization, legislation transparency, independence of judicial management and abolition of capital punishment were discussed. Also there were expressed valuable opinions and performances on a theme of prevention of tortures.
Thus, representatives came to a common conclusion that an open and transparent legislative process can provide successful implementation of obligations of the Human Dimension of OSCE as the protection frame against an evasion from special interests.
During the meeting also were given some information on justice implementation in our Republic, and about the reforming in sphere of perfection of judicial system and formation of the judicial corps.