The Internatial Conference Devoted to the Behaviours Matters of Judges has Completed its Work

24.10.2014, 12:35
The Internatial Conference Devoted to the Behaviours Matters of Judges has Completed its Work
The Internatial Conference Devoted to the Behaviours Matters of Judges has Completed its Work

In recent years, totally new and meeting all international requirements court system was established as a result of reforms carried out in judicial-legal field. Achievements of the Republic of Azerbaijan in this field have been positively appraised as an example for other countries in number of reports of influential international organizations.

On December 14, 2011, the International Conference devoted to individual and professional behaviour matters of judges "Competence, Independence, Impartiality, Transparency, Efficiency -Modern challenges of the judicial reform in Azerbaijan" was held in Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Azerbaijan Law Reforms Centre (ALRC) initiative.

The event was commonly organized by Judicial-Legal Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Law Reforms Centre (ALRC) and German International Cooperation Organization (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit-GIZ.)
The aim of the Conference was to debate on the significance of judicial reforms carried out in Azerbaijan, familiarize the community with the "Bangalor Principles of Judicial conduct" adopted by UNO, to define perfection perspectives of behaviour rules of judges set forth in the existing Code regulating these matters through the prism of mentioned principles and to share the national and international experience in related field.

The chairman of the Supreme Court, Mr.Ramiz Rzayev while his speech of welcome spoke about the importance of the Conference for legal community and the implementation of Bangalor principles by judges in practise.

The speeches of the Coordinator of UNO Group of Judges for Fair Trial Proceedings from UK, Prof. Nihal Jayavikrama, the vice-president of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) of European Council Mr.Georg Stawa, the judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Turkey, Mr.Sami Sezai Ural were met with great interest and all questions of participants have been answered by experts.
While his speech, Prof. Nihal Jayavikrama informed the participants of the Conference about the history of the Bangalore Principles and necessity in such document. The speaker appraised the fact of treatment of these Principles in the Republic of Azerbaijan and legal community and stressed out the significance of the translation of the "Bangalor Principles of Judicial conduct" commentary, one of the authors of which he was, for the first time in the region by Azerbaijan Law Reforms Centre.

The Head of the Turkish Academy of Justice, Mr.Huseyin Yildirim, the Deputy Head of Supreme Court of Georgia, Mr.Vasil Roinishvili, German Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mr.Herbert Quelle and number of representatives of state, NGO and international organizations also took part in the event. Overall, approximately 100 lawyers including both local and international participants took part in the event.

The Conference continued with discussions and debates over the speech of the Chief of Head Organisational-Controlling Department of Ministry of Justice and the member of Judicial-Legal Council, Mr.Azer Jafarov on topic "Judicial-legal reforms in Azerbaijan and common values", the judge of the Constitutional Court, Mr.Jeyhun Garajayev on topic "The ideal of an independent and impartial judge through the prism of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan", the Head of the Azerbaijan Law Reforms Centre, Mr.Anar Baghirov on topic "Lawyer glance to the Bangalor Principles of Judicial conduct" and speeches of different representatives on related topics.