The Minister of Justice and the Police of Kingdom of Norway met with the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Azerbaijan Republic

24.10.2014, 12:35
The Minister of Justice and the Police of Kingdom of Norway met with the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Azerbaijan Republic
The Minister of Justice and the Police of Kingdom of Norway met with the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Azerbaijan Republic

On February 8, 2010 the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Azerbaijan Republic Mr. Ramiz Rzayev met with the delegation headed by the Minister of Justice and the Police of Kingdom of Norway Mr. Knut Storberget.

The Chairman of the Supreme Court Mr. Ramiz Rzayev gave a detailed account of judicial system of Azerbaijan, of the procedure of election of judges, of the structure and activity of the Supreme Court. Mr. Ramiz Rzayev spoke about the dealings with the European Court on Human Rights, about study and application of the European Convention on Human Rights in our country, about the great importance of expansion of cooperation with member states of the European Union including Kingdom of Norway in judicial-legal sphere, and remembered the meeting with the delegation of the Ministry on November, 2009.

The Minister of Justice and the Police of Kingdom of Norway Mr. Knut Storberget was interested in the conditions created in Azerbaijan, concerning the independence and credentials of courts, the measures related with the modernization of judicial system, and underlined that mutual relations would be kept on.

Visitors from Kingdom of Norway familiarised with the new office building of the Supreme Court, with its historical museum and working conditions of judges and express their great contentment.

At the end of the meeting the Chairman of the Supreme Court expressed his gratitude to the members of the delegation and to the Minister of Justice and the Police of Kingdom of Norway Mr. Knut Storberget for their particular interest and attention to judicial bodies of Azerbaijan, and wished them successes in the further activity.