International Conference related with the elections to the National Assembly (Milli Madjlis) took place in the Supreme Court with the Venice Commission

24.10.2014, 12:35
International Conference related with the elections to the National Assembly (Milli Madjlis) took place in the Supreme Court with the Venice Commission
International Conference related with the elections to the National Assembly (Milli Madjlis) took place in the Supreme Court with the Venice Commission

September, 25, Baku. International Conference related with the elections to the National Assembly (Milli Madjlis) took place in the Supreme Court with Venice Commission on September, 25.
Opening the Conference, chairman of the Supreme Court Mr. Ramiz Rzayev welcomed the representatives of the Venice Commission and noted that elections were an important event in political life of each country, and at the same time, were one of forms of participation in mass governance of citizens, country and public life. Holding the elections according to requirements of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, to the Selective Code, to the International contracts which were signed by the Azerbaijan Republic and to the European standards, is main objective of our state. Mr. R.Rzayev said that pre-election atmosphere in our republic had a sufficiently democratic character. Authorities of Azerbaijan take the necessary measures for carrying out the elections to the Parliament according to legislation. All steps are made for improvement of the selective legislation and democratic character of the selective conditions.
Speaking at the conference, Director of the department of law enforcement of Administration of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic Mr. Fuad Alasgarov noted that the Conference was organized in the network of actions provided by the Policy Plan, related with the support of the Council of Europe to parliamentary elections which would be held in November in Azerbaijan. He also noted that the Policy Plan was prepared in the result of cooperation of the Azerbaijan state authorities with the Council of Europe and extended on all areas related with the elections. According to the Policy Plan jointly with the Venice Commission numerous seminars and trainings were held by the Administration of the President, the Central Election committee, National board on TV- Radio Broadcasting. These actions show the insistence in more seminal improvement of selective practice of Azerbaijan and protection of Rights and Freedoms of citizens. The political transformation which is held by the President of the Azerbaijan Republic Mr. Ilham Aliyev, increases an influence on the development of society. The secretary of the Venice Commission shared opinions on activity of the Venice Commission. He said that the activity of the Venice Commission was based on three main principles: democracy, human rights and leadership of the law. Withholding these principles will bring luck for any elections, and set the stage for improvement of process of consideration of complaints concerning the elections and elections top-level. The secretary of the Venice Commission also noted that he would assist in enrichment of knowledge and experience of the judges, who considered the cases, related with the issues on elective conflicts which had been discussed at the conference, and in improvement of the electoral system of Azerbaijan according to the European standards.
Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria, member of the Venice Commission Mr. Yevgeniy Tanchev “The European standards in sphere of procedure of consideration of complaints concerning the elections: practice of the European Union”, judge of the European Court on Human Rights Mr. Khanlar Gadjiyev “the Case law of the European Court on Human Rights related with the consideration of complaints concerning elections”, the expert of the Venice Commission Mr. Serhiy Kalchenko “Problems that arise in the process of the consideration of the  complaints on the elections in the states of CIS”, judge of the Supreme Court of the Azerbaijan Republic Mr. Asad Mirzaliyev “Practice of application of the legislation by courts during the consideration of complaints concerning the elections” addressed the meeting on.
Reports were discussed. There was also an exchange of opinions at the conference. The representative of Azerbaijan in the Venice Commission Mr. Latif Huseynov answered the questions which interested participants of the Conference.
In the end of the Conference, chairman of the Supreme Court made a point of  the International Conference related with elections to National Assembly (Milli Majlis) and which was held with the Venice Commission, and also expressed a confidence that the elections would be held top-level, and thanked the visitors.